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A Hippies Guide To The Law of Attraction: Get manifesting


A Hippies Guide to The Law of Attraction will be published for the first time in book form later this year. Updated and expanded.

To celebrate the book and establish my intention, I am posting the digital edition of the original Ebook here at Worldwide Hippies for free. A new chapter each day. 

Previous Chapters:

Chapter One -Intro to the Book

Chapter Two- ‘I Fought The Law’

Chapter Three -A Brief History…

Chapter Four -So what is it?

Chapter Five -Five-Step Process

Chapter Six – Bringing about “miraculous” results

4. Ask the Universe for your Desire to Manifest

Here’s another step that many people overlook. That is, if you want something, you need to ask for it. You need to state your desire explicitly. That doesn’t mean getting down on your knees and begging some white-bearded uber-dude in the sky, but it does mean putting your desire “out there.”

Fortunately, you have access to the entire creative mind of the universe, through your Inner Being. So all you really need to do is send the message within. Ask the universe, through your Inner Being, to make the object of your desire manifest. Ask with confidence and gratitude and it shall be so.

The asking part of the process is where a lot of folks get tripped up. It’s very important, when asking the LoA for results, that you frame your requests in positive language backed up by positive vibes. But this can be tricky. Why? Well, think about it: most desires are born of “negative” situations. We want money when we’re broke or poor. We want a loving partner when we’re lonely. We want a beautiful home when we’re living in a place we don’t dig so much. Usually we’re living in the negative situation and hoping for a positive change. And so, what happens is that we tend to make one of two mistakes:

A. We frame our requests in negative terms.
When we’re in the vibe of a negative situation, we often make requests such as, “Help me get
out of poverty,” or “Please let my loneliness end.” The trouble with this kind of request is that the universe – and the LoA – doesn’t understand the word not. That’s because, in reality, there is no such thing as “not.” There is no “not an apple”; there is only “apple.”

Think about what happens when you try to think of not a green giraffe. What’s
the first thing you think of? You know the answer. It’s impossible to focus on not a green giraffe. What you can do, though, is focus on, say, a red elephant. The LoA works the same way. If you use the word poverty or loneliness, with feeling, the universe dutifully sends you more of that very item. It doesn’t hear the “not” part. It is simply
attracted to the concept you are putting out there. So it’s vital, when framing requests that you put them in positive terms, such as, “a million bucks” or “a wonderfully loving partner.” It also helps if you eliminate the word “want” and frame your request in the language of a happy result already achieved, such as, “I have a wonderfully loving partner.” That’s because even the word want can attract more of itself. The LoA just brings you more want.

So focus on what you want as if you already have it. Doing this for as little as seventeen
seconds, with pure focus, is enough to activate your request (I didn’t make this number up; it’s been worked out by folks who have studied this a lot more closely than I have). But it doesn’t hurt to keep asking a little every day. When you state something as a done deal, it attracts the done deal. It also raises your vibe to the vibe of having rather than lacking. And that brings us to the second common mistake we often make with step 4:

B. We ask from a vibe of lack.

Again, when we’re feeling lack, we’re usually dwelling in a
vibe of not having. So even if we carefully frame our “request” in positive terms, we may be doing it from a place of negative vibes. And this doesn’t work. Our vibe – or mood, if you prefer that word – is a key factor.

When we’re asking the universe to bring us the objects our desires, we must put ourselves in the mood of already having that which we are asking for. We must be in the mood of the solution versus the mood of the problem. This is perhaps the hardest thing for most people to do. And yet it is a wonderfully liberating step. A lot of us (especially Catholics and Protestants, I have to say) were raised on the hidden belief that suffering is an effective tool. If we want something to change we need to suffer about it. “Be miserable enough and maybe things will change,” seems to be the underlying belief.
But the exact opposite is true. Suffering only attracts more suffering. If we want to effect
positive change, we must be in the vibe of the positive result. Want to be wealthy? Then feel and act wealthy. Want to be in love? Then radiate love and wholeness, not loneliness and incompletion.

We don’t change things we dislike by fighting against them or resisting them. That only holds us in the vibe of the problem. We change things by focusing on what we want and putting all of our positive attention on that. The magic combo for achieving our dreams is a positively stated desire backed up by a positive mood. Which leads us to the fifth step in the Attraction process.

5. Allow Your Desire to Manifest
The final step for manifesting desires is for us to get out of our own way and allow the results to show up. What this essentially requires is that we continue to hold ourselves, as much as possible, in the mood of the solution, not the mood of the problem. We do this on an ongoing basis. It took me a while to realize this, but the universe really does “hear” all of our requests. It’s never tuned out, sitting in a corner, grooving to a Hendrix solo on headphones. It’s always listening. Once we make a clear request, the wheels are set in motion to make it happen. The thing that usually gets in the way is us.

We lapse into doubt or negativity and let the limiting beliefs resurface. We go back into the mood of the problem, rather than the mood of the solution. We switch the station. We tune ourselves to Blues 96.5 and wonder why we’re not receiving Rock 101.3.
I will admit, it isn’t easy to remain in the vibe of having while we’re still living, temporarily, in lack, but if you can master that trick, man, watch out. You’ll become a wizard, a sorcerer of the positive. There’s nothing you can’t have.

Here’s a metaphor that might help: you need to be a thermostat, not a thermometer. Most of us live our lives in thermometer mode. That is, we observe what’s going on around us and then we set our moods accordingly. If good stuff is happening, we raise our mood. If bad crap is happening, we lower it. But we need to be thermostats instead. That is, we need to set our mood on “happy, grateful and loving” and let the world rise to our level. And it will! Keep your mood-setting high and the world around you will change to match your inner state. LoA makes it so. Your mood matters. More than you can imagine.

A friend of mine recently went on a multi-nation trip. He sometimes flew first-class and
sometimes coach. He noticed, to his surprise, that the first-class passengers always tended to be in much better moods, overall, then the coach crowd, and to deal much more acceptingly with disruptions. Of course, you might say, “Well, it’s easy to be happy when you’re flying first class!” But maybe it’s the other way around. Maybe these folks have learned to master their moods and that’s why they’re in first class. It’s something to think about. So those are the five steps to having your dreams come true. And they work, I guarantee it.

Again, they’re not always easy to master – because we’re fed so much negativity in our culture – but each one of the steps feels great in its own right. It feels wonderful to connect to your Inner Self. It’s exciting to dream new dreams. It’s very freeing to shed your limiting beliefs. It’s a gas to ask for your deepest desires and it feels amazing to hold yourself in the vibe of having, rather than the vibe of lacking. The results are only the icing on the cake, an incentive to keep practicing the five steps! Wow.

We Can Change the World

What’s really exciting about all this is that we now have a brand new model for changing the world. And that model goes back to the best of hippie values. Peace, love and flowers are the ticket after all. If we want to end war in the world, we won’t accomplish it by fighting, protesting or resisting (while holding anger and hatred in our hearts). We can speak truth to power without internalizing their deeds. We can demand justice without demanding vengeance. We’ll do it by building bridges of peace, love and understanding (positive vibes). Flowers. Mother Theresa once said that she would never attend an anti-war rally, but she would attend a peace really. Smart lady. There really is a difference between the two.

The only things that are real in our lives are the things we give attention to. And we have a choice. We can focus on positive things or negative things. The evening news will tell us “here are the ten awful things you should be thinking about right now.” But we don’t have to buy into that. We can focus on whatever we want. Think about it. There are trillions of things going on in the world that we know nothing about and these things are not part of our lives. Why? Because we don’t make them an object of our attention. Whatever we give attention to grows. Whatever we take attention away from shrinks. It’s that simple. It’s the Law of Attraction.

In all cases, with all problems, what works is to focus 100% of your energy and attention on the solution and 0% of it on the problem. Once you realize that you don’t have to fight or resist anything, true freedom arrives. You can stop criticizing and blaming others. You can let everyone be just as they are.

It’s not your job to change anyone else. If they’re doing something you don’t like, simply send them your blessings, take your attention off them, and focus on a positive value you want to create in your own life. That is how we change the world. Through purely loving, purely positive intentions. It’s the only way that works. It’s the way of the future.

Can you Imagine, as John Lennon did, a day when we would no longer try to change people and ideas by fighting against them and creating more negative vibes, but would simply love the world as it is, while making a creative commitment to add our own positive mark. It sounds idyllic but it’s not. That world is here, right now, within our grasps. And the Law of Attraction is what gives us the tools to make it happen.

We Might Have to Give Up Some Things
If we want to adopt this new, purely positive model for change, we might have to give up some long-cherished notions that we hippie-types have been carting around for years. These include things like:

The Man is keeping me down.
Republicans suck.
Ban the bomb!
The super rich are ruining life for the rest of us.
Fight the system!
Money equals corruption.
Ban animal products!

And on and on… I hope you get the picture. Not that you should bury your head in some sandbox, but avoid the blame and embrace the change. You need to take the focus off what others are doing – no matter how terrible you believe it to be – and put all of the focus and actions on creating the kind of world you want to live in. The rest of it will take care of itself.

When enough of us lose interest in bomb-making, people will stop making bombs. When enough of us stop using products that require animals to die, people will stop killing animals to make products. When enough of us take control of our own destinies, The Man will be neutered.

Put all of your energy into your own dreams, take action, think happy thoughts, feel happy vibes, and you will not only change your world, you will change the world.
The Law of Attraction guarantees it. So do I.

 If you have enjoyed the Ebook, learned something from it, felt inspired or just a little enlightened about the Law of Attraction… Please consider making a donation to worldwidehippies.com  Your donation will help in publishing A Hippies Guide To The Law of Attraction and offset the cost of keeping this website online.
Picture 3Peace, Love and Well-being
Joseph McEvoy


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